An education-focused working relationship is at the core of my interactions with clients. My blog entries try to keep you up-to-date on new developments in estate planning, business law, and special needs planning, as well as other more general information that I hope will be helpful to you. Where possible, I also try to provide video explanations and free reports so you can get a better understanding of the legal issues you may be dealing with.
If you're ready to get started, let's set up a Legal Strategy Session and discuss the best options for you.
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Do I Really Need a Password Manager? You Probably Do...A password manager is another tool recommended to help guard against online fraud and hackers, who are using SIM Swapping as a new tool in their arsenals...
Prioritize Sleep: A Good Way To Make Sure You Stay Healthy...As we deal with all the daunting COVID-19 news, it can be tough to think about how to prioritize sleep, but it's more important than ever...
Better Business Decisions: Eight Steps for Making ThemMaking better business decisions is a common goal of most business owners. Here's 8 steps to help you improve your process.
Good FridayGood Friday falls at a time when the world is grieving and gripped by the COVID-19 pandemic. Hopefully, wherever you are, you and your family are safe.
Hoping for that Equifax Settlement Money? Not So Fast...It has been just 2 weeks since they announced the Equifax settlement, but it appears that consumer won't actually get the cash option that was offered.
Merry Christmas from My Family to Yours!With Thanksgiving arriving earlier than normal, this has been a long and wonderful holiday season. Christmas is a season of great joy: a time for remembering the past and hoping for the future. May the glorious message of peace and love fill you with joy during this wonderful season.
Sometimes, You See A TurkeyIt’s been a strange day around the office, and that’s probably best summed up by my friend the turkey here. On our way to lunch, we noticed that a couple of turkeys were outside and enjoying watching themselves in the windows. As you walked past them, they followed along, clearly enjoying the movement on the …
Do You Know What Your Optimal Productivity Style Is?Productivity tips, hacks, advice and information seem to be omnipresent in any small business owner's social media feeds.
How to Get Your Children Interested in the Family BusinessGetting your children interested in the family business is a good thing to consider these days as we all plan for a post-Coronavirus business environment.
Many Small Businesses are Faced With Painful Choices...Many small businesses are being forced to make painful choices as we all deal with the effects of the Coronavirus on our day-to-day lives.
Prenuptial Agreements: The U.S. Marriage Rate PlummetsThe marriage rate continues to fall in the U.S., even before the Coronavirus pandemic. If you are getting married, you may want to consider a prenup.
5 Lessons Learned from Selling a Startup CompanyFor many small business owners, ultimately selling the business is the goal and there are a variety of lessons you can learn from those who have done it.